How to add a new blog post in WordPress
A quick beginners guide on how to create a new blog post in WordPress! Step 1: Log in to WordPress Go to yoursite.com.au/wp-admin and log in with your username and password. You’ll then be taken to the WordPress dashboard. If you were already logged in, you’ll go straight to the WordPress dashboard without having to log

Get Ahead of Your Competition: Our Proven Digital
En el competitivo mundo digital actual, destacarse por encima de la competencia es esencial para el éxito empresarial. En Innovación360, entendemos la importancia de implementar estrategias digitales comprobadas para ayudarte a destacarte en el mercado. Nuestras estrategias digitales no solo te ayudarán a superar a tu competencia, sino que también

Small Businesses Are Attacked by Hackers 3x More than Larger Ones
Have you felt more secure from cyberattacks because you have a smaller business? Maybe you thought that you couldn’t possibly have anything that a hacker could want? Didn’t think they even knew about your small business. Well, a new report by cybersecurity firm Barracuda Networks debunks this myth. Their report

What Is Microsoft Defender for Individuals & What Does It Do?
When you hear about Microsoft adding security apps to M365, it’s often the business versions. But the pandemic has changed the way that we see the workplace. It’s now a hybrid world. One made up of several connected “mini-offices” located in employee homes. The outsourcing market has also contributed to

Are You Making Any of These Mistakes Using WordPress?
WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world. Just like Facebook has beaten any possible competition, WordPress rules the website development area. Running a WordPress site doesn’t look like a big deal at first. Since you can find tons of online educational resources on the topic, it’s

5 reasons you need a website for your business
As important as Social Media is for your business, a website shapes the online perception and messaging of your business in a way that social media cannot provide. A well put together, professional website will clearly outline the products or services you provide, and it gives your customer a better

Boost Your Online Presence: Our Top Digital Marketing
En un mundo donde la visibilidad en línea es clave para el éxito, tener una sólida estrategia de marketing digital es imprescindible. En Innovación360, nos especializamos en ayudar a empresas como la tuya a amplificar su presencia en línea y llegar eficazmente a su público objetivo. Al asociarte con nosotros,

Unlock the Power of Digital Marketing: Our Services
El marketing digital ha revolucionado la forma en que las empresas se conectan con los consumidores, ofreciendo oportunidades incomparables de crecimiento y expansión. En Innovación360, estamos dedicados a ayudarte a desbloquear todo el potencial del marketing digital y llevar tu negocio a nuevas alturas. Al aprovechar nuestros servicios integrales de

Deadly Google Ads Mistakes That’ll Make Cost You (And How to Fix Them)
We are always looking to get more from our marketing efforts. If you haven’t been using Google Ads pay per click (PPC) ads to drive targeted traffic to your landing pages, you may be doing yourself a disservice. More clicks translate into more visitors, leads, and customers for your business.

What Are the Most Helpful VoIP Features for Small Businesses?
Just five or six years ago, VoIP was still considered a “different” type of business phone system. One that wasn’t the norm. But the pandemic changed that way of thinking. Now internet-based phone systems aren’t simply the norm. They’re mandatory for business continuity. During the pandemic, VoIP and video conferencing